Turning the Scariest Moment of the Day into the Best One - Strong Women Strong Love
How do you and your spouse reconnect at the end of the day? Are you eager to see each other, or are you tense and afraid, not sure what kind of reception you'll get? Some people steel themselves for a daily litany of complaints from their spouse. Maybe they're the target themselves, or they just have to listen to a lot of vitriol about their spouse's job. Others might dread discovering the latest thing their spouse has messed up: He probably won't bring in the trash can from outside. And, I bet he forgot to pay that bill I reminded him about AGAIN this morning! Those first few minutes when you see each other again at the end of the workday set the tone for your whole evening. If you're feeling trepidation, instead of anticipation, it's worthwhile to put some energy into making this time of day more positive
Strong Women Strong Love