Put Self-Care on Your Holiday To-Do List - Strong Women Strong Love
The holiday season is here! Are you ready? Our already-long to-do lists get even longer as we add shopping, decorating, cooking, traveling and even burning the midnight oil at the office to prepare for our time off. Amid this frenzy of activity, self-care is often the first thing to go. As women, we can be so focused on making everything "perfect" for the special people in our lives that we overlook our own needs. I'd like you to think about this in a different way, though. If you aren't caring for yourself, you can't really show up for the people you love. You're more likely to be tired, stressed and critical. On the other hand, if your own needs are met, you can be fully, joyously present with others. And that's the best gift you can give them.
Strong Women Strong Love