Want to Take the Future of Your Marriage into Your OWN Hands?

Many women are unhappy in their marriage and feel hopeless because they can’t get their husband to work on the relationship.

At Strong Women, Strong Love, we’re committed to showing you how to use your own power to turn your marriage around, with or without his cooperation.

When you know what YOU can do to rekindle love, you will relax knowing you’re not leaving the most important relationship of your life completely up to chance.

You’re a strong woman who deserves an equally-strong love. Let’s show you how!

Hello, I’m Dr. Poonam Sharma. As a psychologist practicing for over 25 years, it breaks my heart to watch strong, capable women like you struggling with your marriage.

I know the stakes are incredibly high. No one goes into a marriage thinking they may end up in divorce court one day. And yet, we know that many marriages struggle, and women are usually the ones to call it quits.

At Strong Women, Strong Love, my goal is to show you exactly where to target your energy, so that you’re not guessing about how to keep the love and passion alive in your marriage. I’ve been personally trained by many of the leading marriage experts in the world. They have already discovered the essential keys to building the strong and happy relationship you desire.

Read my book, explore the blog, and take matters into your own hands. With the right information and your strong will, you can defy the odds and get your marriage back on track.

You deserve a relationship where you feel cherished, appreciated and fully supported by your husband. Let me show you how!

Sick and Tired of Petty Arguments That Leave You Angry & Resentful?

CLICK for FREE Report: 10 Easy Ways to Get Him to Listen

Why Has Your Husband Changed So Much?

Does your husband ever seem like he’s become a totally different guy?

It might sound like I’m about to launch into a creepy “Jekyll and Hyde” story for Halloween. But I actually want to talk to you today about the real-life power of stress and how it affects your marriage in ways you may not be aware of.

This article is for you if you’ve ever wondered “What happened to the great guy I fell in love with?” The answer is probably not what you think.

Before we dive in, though, let’s clarify the intention of this article. My advice here is not for you if you’re in a situation involving dire issues like abuse or addiction. If you ever find yourself saying things like “My husband is a great guy, except when he loses his temper” or “He has a totally different personality when he’s using,” then please consider seeking professional help.

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Divorce Is Contagious — But You Can Inoculate Your Marriage Against It

You might be worried about the flu and other physical ailments that start circulating this time of year. But a contagion of a very different kind was the subject of a recent story in the Chicago Tribune.

The Tribune took a look at how divorce can spread through social circles. It cites a study that found you’re 75 percent more likely to get a divorce yourself if a friend has divorced. Even a friend of a friend getting a divorce raises your own chance of divorcing by 33 percent.

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Workaholic Husband? Here’s How to Protect Your Relationship

Being married to a workaholic can make you feel like the third wheel in your own relationship. If your husband’s job seems to consume all of his attention, that’s not good for your marriage, his health or your health. Today I want to share some advice on how to get things back to a more balanced place.

What Makes Someone a Workaholic?
All of us in the U.S., men and women, are working a lot these days. Some analyses have even found that maintaining the same standard of living requires working more hours than it used to. This financial pressure can certainly be one reason your husband works so much.

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